Outcome of title fee study Written by Federal Title on 2013-02-04. Posted in Article. Local competitors question outcome of title fee study [Mar. 20, 2011]Related Articles:What’s the Benefit of Choosing a Title Company Near Me? Why should I choose a title company near me in DC, Maryland or Virginia when there’s an online title insurance vendor that can close for a few dollars less?...Why you should work with an independent title company As we fast-approach 30 years of business, we’ve come to realize that Federal Title is one of the only major independent title company remaining in this marketplace. What does...How to change your chosen title company after you have a ratified sales contract You can change title companies with the consent of the seller, through a simple addendum to the ratified sales contract. View our settlement agent-change sample addendum. What happens if... closing costs, study, title companies PreviousNext