‘As Is’ Means As Is for Termites

“. . . All clauses in this Contract pertaining to Property condition, termites or compliance with city, state or county regulations are hereby deleted from this Contract. . . .” – AS-IS para. #3, Addendum of Clauses, GCAAR Regional Sales Contract
Yes, it means what it says. Read it, live it, and breathe it when you set out to present your next “As-Is” sales contract.
- It means that if the purchaser discovers infestation and structural damage resulting from wood destroying insects – tough luck – purchaser pays for the treatment and repairs.
- It means para.#16 of the Regional Sales Contract, “Termite Inspection” is DELETED – POOF! GONE!
Caveat: A seller cannot hang his/her hat on the “As-Is” clause if the seller intentionally or negligently misrepresented a material condition or fact; or if the seller fraudulently concealed a material condition or fact; or if the seller made a false promise of a character likely to influence, persuade, or induce.
as is, GCAAR, GCAAR Regional Sales Contract, pests, sales contract