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New section on our website: Media Hits

At the end of last year, I compiled a list of all the news stories that mentioned Federal Title or featured a quote from one of our attorneys. The original list includes a lengthy piece from Washington Post columnist Harvey S. Jacobs that mentioned a study we commissioned about a year ago. The study, along with the article, highlight the importance of selecting your own settlement team. The extra effort could net you a savings of up to $1,180. 

That piece is probably my favorite, but it turns out there were quite a few articles published in 2011 in which Federal Title got a say. So I decided to go one step further and compile all the articles we’ve been mentioned in since I took over as marketing director in August 2009. All of these articles can be found in a new section of our website, the Media Hits section.

For now you’ll find the media hits section under the Buyers & Sellers menu item, nestled under Articles. Happy Reading!

marketing, maryland, news, Northern Virginia, title company, washington dc