TOPA requirements for closing
In addition to providing Federal Title & Escrow Company with evidence of proper and timely notices to tenant(s) in accordance with Title IV of D.C. Law 3-86, “RENTAL HOUSING CONVERSION AND SALE ACT OF 1980 (a.k.a. TOPA),” Federal Title & Escrow Company requires the following in order for a seller to complete closing/consummation:
- 1. A signed and notarized TOPA Affidavit form. The form provided below, or similar GCAAR form #1316, should be utilized;
- 2. Each tenant must complete and sign a separate affidavit form in the presence of a Notary Public;
- 3. Seller, or his/her agent, must deliver each tenant-signed and notarized affidavit form to Federal Title & Escrow Company at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled date of closing/consummation.