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Workshop today on recent changes to DC’s TOPA law


Did you know TOPA was amended as of July 3?

The DC Department of Housing and Community Development will hold a workshop to provide an overview of the newly enacted Single-Family Home Exemption Amendment Act of 2018 (Bill 22-0315, Act 22-339). today from 1 to 3 pm.

For those who cannot attend in person, the DHCD Facebook page will also broadcast the workshop live.

The workshop will cover a variety of topics including:

  • Types of single family properties that are exempt
  • Criteria that an elderly or disabled tenant must meet to still have a limited opportunity to purchase
  • Notice and documentation requirements

If you wish to attend today’s workshop in person, you must register. The workshop is free and will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. at One Judiciary Square, located at 441 4th Street NW, Old Council Chamber Room, Washington, DC 20002.

Landlord, Tenant, TOPA, washington dc