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5 things real estate agents and their clients should know when preparing for virtual closing

We’ve talked about how nearly all our home sellers are opting to close remotely via the remote online closing platform NotaryCam.

The currents were moving that way before the onset of COVID-19, but the need to keep a safe social distance transformed a slow stream to a torrent.

Because this is a newer method for real estate closings, we’ve put together a list of 5 things real estate agents and their clients should know when preparing for a virtual closing.

You do not need to be a tech wiz to do a virtual closing. In fact, most virtual closing agents have had all sorts of clients with all levels of tech skills and are able to walk you through any issues you may be having.

Every client is different, so do not write off virtual closings because you are afraid it will not work for you. I have done hundreds of these types of closings and am happy to report that even my folks who only had flip phones and a tablet came through with flying colors.

Below is just a list of tips to keep in mind when preparing for virtual closings.

  • 1. Choose a device that will work best for you for the closing. You will need to have camera and microphone access. Laptops and tablets are ideal for these types of closings, as they usually have a built-in camera and microphone with a large enough screen to view documents. If your PC is set up with a camera and microphone, this should work well too.

    Smartphones can also be used but may be difficult to use when signing documents – for some folks this is not an issue as they have nimble fingers and are adept as using their phones for reading and signing documents.
  • 2. Make sure your Wi-Fi connection is strong. You will need to have a strong connection – there is a lot of information for you to see and hear during this process.
  • 3. Make sure your device will allow access to your camera and microphone. Most privacy settings will not automatically allow access to certain apps and browsers. You may want to check this in your device settings prior to the closing.
  • 4. Have your ID readily available. Often you will provide your ID information via secure upload or ID verification software prior to your closing. You should also have your ID readily available at closing in case there is an issue with the legibility of the copy provided or a secondary ID verification is required at the closing. (Secondary ID verification questions often relate to information as it appears on your ID.)
  • 5. Pick a quiet place for the meeting that you do not mind the settlement attorney or notary seeing. Not all software allows you to blur the background or pick an application to cover the background. Oh, and be sure to get dressed – you will be required to be on camera and most meetings are recorded for at least part of the time.

Having the right equipment and the confidence that comes from being well prepared, can make virtual closings easy, fun and time effective.

NotaryCam, remote closing, remote online notarization, Tips or Advice, virtual closing